Kompanije iz BiH ostavile trag na Međunarodnom sajmu mode u Kopenhagenu (CIFF)
Delegacija od šest BiH kompanija nedavno je učestvovala na prestižnom Međunarodnom sajmu mode u Kopenhagenu (CIFF) koji je održan od 28. do 30. januar...
Delegacija od šest BiH kompanija nedavno je učestvovala na prestižnom Međunarodnom sajmu mode u Kopenhagenu (CIFF) koji je održan od 28. do 30. januar...
Švajcarski program za promociju uvoza (SIPPO) u Bosni i Hercegovini sa zadovoljstvom objavljuje uspješno okončanje dvodnevnih radionica na temu vješta...
Jednodnevna radionica fokusirana je na evaluaciju trenutnih kapaciteta STK/VTK BiH u širokom spektru oblasti kao doprinos SIPPO-a u razovju kapaciteta...
Vanjskotrgovinska/Spoljnotrgovinska komora Bosne i Hercegovine (VTK/STK BiH) uz tehničku podršku SIPPO-a, Vas poziva da uzmete učešće u dvodnevnoj pos...
SIPPO is a global programme with one central objective: To enable sustainable, inclusive economic growth through exports. In its current Phase 2, SIPP...
SIPPO Serbia aims to develop agile, resilient and efficient business support organisations (BSOs) by aligning their services with emerging global tren...
The Global Trade Helpdesk is an integrated digital platform designed to help firms of all sizes, especially BSOs and SMEs that often lack the resource...
The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) in Tunisia is working to shift the focus of Business Support Organizations (BSOs) from broad sectors, suc...
Drugo izdanje Regionalnog događaja umrežavanja za poslovne organizacije (BSO) iz zemalja Balkana u tekstilnom sektoru trenutno se održava 4-5. decembr...
Godišnji sastanak Koordinacionog odbora za Bosnu i Hercegovinu (Country Coordination Committee – CCC) u okviru SIPPO programa za 2024. godinu uspješno...
Vanjskotrgovinska komora Bosne i Hercegovine (VTK/STK BiH), uz tehničku podršku SIPPO-a, organizuje svoje treće učešće na "Međunarodnom sajmu za sigur...
SIPPO Country Coordination Committee (CCC) Meeting has been successfully held on 6 November 2024 in Jakarta. The event was attended by the Swiss State...
SIPPO Colombia, Morocco, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Ukraine supported BSOs at SIAL in Paris, the leading event in the agri-food sector and a laboratory fo...
In the second half semester of 2024, SIPPO Indonesia continues its efforts to support the BSOs in strengthening their export promotion strategies, to...
Bosna i Hercegovina ostavlja svoj trag na globalnoj sceni na SIAL Paris 2024, najvećem svjetskom sajmu hrane i pića. Ove godine, ključni fokus je bilo...
Spoljnotrgovinska komora Bosne i Hercegovine (VTK/STK BiH), u saradnji sa Švicarskim programom za promociju uvoza (SIPPO), nastavlja sa pružanjem podr...
SIPPO (Swiss Import Promotion Programme), driven by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and implemented by Swisscontact, has been...
Vanjskotrgovinska/Spoljnotrgovinska komora Bosne i Hercegovine (VTK/STK BiH), uz podršku Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO), organizovala je dvo...
The Economic Chamber of North Macedonia (ECM), in partnership with the team of SIPPO North Macedonia under the lead of Elena Miloshevska Jovanovska, t...
Ukraine has become the 12th country to join the SIPPO programme. We talk to Marco Kräuchi, SIPPO Programme Manager at the State Secretariat for Econom...
On 18 and 20 September 2024, SIPPO in collaboration with DevLearn Ltd. had implemented an Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) Workshop with the M...
What is the impact of SIPPO's work with BSOs in its partner countries? A number of case studies illustrate the impact of our SIPPO country teams' work...
As part of the Expoalimentaria 2024 Fair, SIPPO worked closely with the technical team of AGROMERCADO to improve their business capabilities in the us...
As the Country Representative of SIPPO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Boris Tadić brings extensive experience in development cooperation to the table. His...
Sustainability is one of the two important cross-cutting themes for SIPPO in the current Phase II of the programme. In 2021 and 2022, SIPPO developed...
Sa zadovoljstvom najavljujemo seriju treninga o Direktivi o korporativnom izvještavanju o održivosti (CSRD). Treninzi su namijenjeni kompanijama u sek...
Spoljnotrgovinska komora Bosne i Hercegovine (VTK/STK BiH), sa ponosom je predstavljala šest vodećih bosanskohercegovačkih kompanija specijalizovanih...
Companies that want to export to Switzerland and the EU will in future have to make great efforts to fulfill a more stringent corporate human rights d...
The Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina (VTK/STK BiH), a BSO supported by SIPPO BiH, proudly represented six leading Bosnian companies spe...
Together with Swisscontact and the “Destino Tambopata” program, SIPPO supported regional tourism companies in strengthening their business capabilitie...
A highlight of the SIPPO Import Promotion Forum, that took place in Lausanne/Switzerland in June this year was the signing of a Memorandum of Understa...
The seven officials from four of SIPPO’s BSO partners (TIKZN, Wesgro, ECDC and CECOSA) were highly impressed with their participation and expressed th...
At the 15th edition of the Cocoa and Chocolate Fair in Lima (Peru) from 18-21 July 2024, Switzerland was the partner country, chosen for its tradition...
One of the outcomes of SIPPO South Africa and SIPPO Colombia's facilitation of successful, virtual exchanges between their partner BSOs, Wesgro and Pr...
Over the last three years, the Import Promotion Forum organised by SIPPO (Swiss Import Promotion Programme) has developed into an important platform f...
For South Africa, rich in biodiversity, ABS safeguards its unique flora and promotes indigenous knowledge by applying fair access to indigenous, biolo...
Privredna Komora Republike Srpske, uz podršku Švajcarskog programa za promociju izvoza (SIPPO), uspješno je organizovala dve informativne radionice u...
Privredna komora Republike Srpske i Područna privredna komora Bijeljina, u saradnji sa Bureau Veritas d.o.o. Srbija i uz podršku Švajcarskog programa...
From 9-10 May 2024, SIPPO Serbia got together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) and the consultancy company ANTEJA ECG to del...
Sierra y Selva Exportadora, with the support of SIPPO Peru, organizes workshops on sustainable trade in Lima, Oxapampa, and Satip
Švajcarski program za promociju izvoza (SIPPO) i Privredna komora Republike Srpske (PKRS) sarađivali su na veoma uspješnoj radionici za procjenu organ...
In Indonesia, SIPPO collaborates with the Directorate General for National Export Development (DGNED) within the Ministry of Trade to discuss EU marke...
SIPPO Peru collaborated with PROMPERÚ in participating with a national stand at the InCosmetics fair, which was attended by 10 Peruvian companies spec...
Pridružite se STK/VTK na Međunarodnom sajmu tekstilne industrije Munich Fabric Start!
Wood processing companies in the SIPPO partner countries are seizing the opportunities and potentials related to current market challenges. With the s...
Since 2017, SIPPO has been active in Tunisia, building strong relationships with local Business Support Organizations (BSOs). Besides focusing on capa...
Digitalizacija je jedna od dvije međusektorske teme koje su u osnovi aktivnosti SIPPO-a sa partnerskim organizacijama za podršku poslovanju (BSO).
Collaboration between our SIPPO, Colombia + Competitiva and Paisajes + Sostenibles projects, financed by Swiss cooperation and executed by Swisscontac...
Privredna Komori Republike Srpske (PKRS) održala je 20. svečanost „Izbor najuspješnijih u privredi Republike Srpske 2023. godine“.
Over 20 Business Support Organizations (BSOs) representatives convened in Skopje, Macedonia, to share best practice, enhance industry knowledge, and d...
Umrežavanje i trening sa BSO-ima iz sektora tekstila sa dodanom vrijednošću iz Balkanskog regiona (BiH, Albanija, Severna Makedonija i Srbija)
Tokom 2023. godine, SIPPO BiH je bio vrlo aktivan u pružanju podrške razvoju kapaciteta svojih partnera VTK/STK BiH i PKRS u digitalizaciji njihovih p...
5 Business Support Organizations (BSOs) presented their countries with stunning pavilions at this year’s ITB Berlin, the world’s leading travel trade...
In the recent month of February, the Swiss Import Promotion Programme - SIPPO, took part in Biofach, the world's leading trade fair for organic food,...
At Biofach 2024, the World's Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food in Nuremberg, SIPPO provided support to BSOs from five countries it is engaged in: Al...
From January 24th to 28th , was held the international tourism fair FITUR, in Madrid Spain. In its 44th edition, a total of 9,000 companies, 152 count...
By the end of last year, SIPPO was prominently mentioned in “The Fifth Communication on Engagement of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia i...
With the attendance of more than 250 participants, the II Binational Meeting of Cocoa Organizations was held; and the 10th National Fine and Aroma Coc...
Švajcarski program promocije izvoza poziva sve kvalifikovane BiH kompanije iz sektora tekstila, namještaja, obuće I odjeće da se prijave na poziv STK...
Ostvareni značajni kontakti na internacionalnim sajmovima.
S velikim zadovoljstvom vam predstavljamo zvaničnu LinkedIn stranicu SIPPO BiH – vaše nove platforme za povezivanje sa partnerima i profesionalcima po...
SIPPO's Import Promotion Forum, held in a new format in 2023, facilitates the exchange between BSOs from SIPPO countries and Swiss import/import promo...
SIPPO’s five BSO partners and its stakeholders met at the Swiss Residence in Pretoria on 2 November 2023 for the annual CCC meeting, for exchanges and...
Vanjskotrgovinska/Spoljnotrgovinska komora Bosne i Hercegovine organizuje drugo predstavljanje BiH kompanija na prestižnom SIAL 2024, vodećem svjetsko...
Privredna komora Republike Srpske (PKRS) je, uz podršku Švajcarskog programa za promociju izvoza (SIPPO), učinila značajan iskorak u poboljšanju svoje...
In November, SIPPO Morocco orchestrated a series of activities to mark an intense month of engagement.
SIPPO was a key technical partner of the first African Biotrade Festival, a celebration of the value derived from indigenous plant biodiversity, where...
From 28 to 30 November, SIPPO and its partner BSOs focused on bringing together the world's leading food and drink importers, buyers, natural ingredie...
During ANUGA 2023, SIPPO Tunisia supported its partner BSOs, CEPEX and GICA in their strategy to upgrade local offer through integrating and adopting...
In continuity on the BSO awareness and understanding sustainability, the importance of this topic from importing market side and at the buyers meeting...
Five Albanian exporters were present at the leading sports trade fair ISPO Munich 2023. This was made possible by the Albanian Investment Development...
SIPPO’s BSO partners, the dtic, Wesgro and TIKZN commenced planning and preparation of the exhibitors early for participation at this leading trade fa...
Privredna komora Republike Srpske, u saradnji sa Švajcarskim program za promociju izvoza (SIPPO), organizuje trening na temu „Kako uspješno korisititi...
Pod pokroviteljstvom SIPPO-a, Privredna komora Republike Srpske organizovala obuke za svoje zaposlene.
SIPPO Indonesia and the BSOs recently held their annual Steering Committee Meeting, known as the Country Coordination Committee meeting. This meeting brought together SIPPO, its Business Support Organisation (BSO) partners and SECO-funded projects in Indonesia to discuss and finalise their work plan for the year 2024
Victor Sarabia, Country Representative and Isabel Rodriguez, Export Promotion Manager make up the SIPPO Peru team. SIPPO Peru is active in the three s...
SIPPO promotes sustainability as a fundamental pillar in business development alongside its BSOs, PROMPERU, and the Lima Chamber of Commerce.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Učešće Vanjskotrgovinske/Spoljnotrgovinske komore BiH (VTK/STK BiH) na prestižnom A+A 2023 sajmu za bezbjednost i zdravlje na radu, uz podršku Švajcarskog programa za promociju izvoza (SIPPO) predstavlja značajan događaj za sektor radne odjeće i obuće iz BiH. Šest odabranih proizvođača iz Bosne i Hercegovine imalo je priliku da pokaže svoje proizvode, te uspostavi veze sa EU kupcima.
U Sarajevu je održan godišnji sastanak Državnog koordinacionog odbora SIPPO-a Bosne i Hercegovine - CCC 2023. Sastanak CCC-a pružio je izvrsnu priliku...
Pod sloganom "Najbolji ukusi Bosne i Hercegovine", Vanjskotrgovinska komora Bosne i Hercegovine organizovala je učešće BiH kompanija iz prehrambene i...
The event allowed strengthening the position of Peruvian coffee in global markets, as well as consolidating essential commercial ties for the ongoing...
Through the SIPPO programme, Swisscontact has significantly strengthened its presence in Indonesia as a capacity-building programme for export promoti...
SIPPO, the Swiss Import Promotion Program, has been at the forefront of supporting various Business Support Organizations (BSOs) from different countr...
SIPPO is best known for its capacity development activities in Export Promotion services which are targeting Business Support Organizations (BSOs) in...
SIPPO regularly adapts its Trade Promotion Academy (TPA) to developments in world trade and export promotion. A number of modules are now being revise...
SIPPO, in collaboration with the Lima Chamber of Commerce and PROMPERÚ, contributed to the growth of the Peruvian food sector at the renowned internat...
More than 130 attendees from ProColombia, ACOTUR and Colombia+Competitiva meet to discuss the relevance of certifications in sustainable tourism, as a...
On the occasion of Women’s Day 2023 in South Africa, SIPPO as a well-established mandate of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) pa...
SIPPO can call on a network of expert advisors to support SIPPO's export promotion activities. In this capacity, Boris Rafalski, CEO of SoulSpice, vis...
The XIV Salon of Cacao and Chocolate in Peru, which took place from Thursday, July 13th, to Sunday, July 16th, was a resounding success with the activ...
The objective of these trainings was to provide knowledge and tools to employees and organizations of Sierra y Selva Exportadora (SSE) to enhance thei...
In collaboration with the Lima Chamber of Commerce and PROMPERU, the launch event of Anuga, trade fair for the international food industry, took place...
The Indonesian BSO DAI, which had been invited to the SIPPO Import Forum in Bern/Switzerland in early June, took the opportunity to provide an update...
With the attendance of more than 70 representatives from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, ProColombia and ACOTUR, was held the virtual...
On May 23 and 25, 2023, SIPPO Peru organized two sectoral monitoring sessions that brought together program partners to exchange ideas and propose act...
SIPPO South Africa and specialists from the ITC were able to demonstrate the use and value of the TPA and certain of the ITC’s tools to this group of...
SIPPO is active in the sector Technical Wood in 4 of its 11 target countries. 3 of them - SIPPO Bosnia&Herzegovina, SIPPO Serbia and SIPPO Indones...
Digital transformation is advancing rapidly and is of great importance for the future of global trade and the SIPPO program. SIPPO therefore aims to b...
Upon SECO’s ad-hoc requests, SIPPO can provide selective trade promotion knowledge in non-SIPPO partner countries. Within this so-called Component III...
Three SIPPO teams successfully supported BSOs at the Seafood Expo Global (SEG) in Barcelona: SIPPO Indonesia, SIPPO Morocco and SIPPO Tunisia. In thes...
SECO, Swisscontact, and SIPPO endorse the organization of this significant event, which, for the first time, goes international with the support of Sa...
SIPPO's Trade Promotion Academy (TPA) is a proven digital training tool. It offers a wide range of up-to-date knowledge in the field of trade promotio...
The Peruvian cosmetic industry has gained international recognition thanks to the presentation titled "Peru, The Cradle of Natural Cosmetopeia," offer...
The SIPPO Trade Promotion Academy (TPA) has a new e-learning module! As of April 2023, SIPPO Partner Business Support Organizations (BSOs) and other i...
SIPPO supported the participation of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce and its businessmen in In-Cosmetics Global, the world's largest event for personal...
Several BSOs from South Africa, Colombia, Peru and Tunisia were supported by SIPPO in their presence at In-Cosmetics Global Trade Fair in Barcelona, t...
SIPPO Peru participated in the In-Cosmetics Global fair, a leading event in personal care ingredients, accompanying its BSO PROMPERU.
The Indonesian Trade Ministry has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Swiss government for trade promotion cooperation.
SIPPO Indonesia developed a training programme for the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (MOC) and the Ministry of Trade (MOT) of the Republic of Indonesia. Following this training, their staff can now independently carry out business assessments of SMEs and select suitable products for the international market, especially to Switzerland and Europe.
All four SIPPO countries that support the sustainable tourism sector, Albania, Colombia, North Macedonia and Peru, supported BSOs in their presence at...
SIPPO Peru supported PROMPERÚ in organizing a study tour for 13 SMEs from the tourism sector, participating for the first time in the international IT...
BIOFACH, which took place in Nuremberg (Germany) is an important trade fair for APIA. Its presence at the fair was supported by a great joint effort o...
The Country Teams of SIPPO Serbia, Tunisia and Vietnam accompanied BSOs at Biofach 2023, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food in Nuremberg,...
From March 7-9, 2023, the leading travel trade show ITB is taking place in Berlin, Germany. After several difficult years due to Covid the fair is fin...
For the first time, Peru attended the Vivaness event to showcase its exportable offer of natural ingredients for the personal care subsector.
SIPPO operates in 6 sectors in its 11 target countries. Which are the trends in SIPPO’s sectors in 2023? And as an update: At which Trade Fairs will B...
Sustainability is one of the two core topics on which emphasis will be placed in the second phase of the SIPPO Programme from 2021-2025. Under the lea...
Since December 2022, SIPPO Partner BSOs – and other interested parties – can work on a new e-learning module within the SIPPO Trade Promotion Academy...
The Ministry of Cooperative and SMEs of The Republic of Indonesia (MOC), supported by SIPPO, is expanding its network with Swiss and European import i...
Europe-wide cooperation between organisations involved in export promotion enables projects to be planned jointly and carried out with combined forces...
SIPPO held its fifth annual Coordination Committee on November 29, 2022, in the presence of representatives of SECO in Tunisia, Swisscontact Tunisia,...
The SIPPO Trade Promotion Academy (TPA) is SIPPO's comprehensive e-learning platform. For more than two years, employees of SIPPO Partner BSOs – and o...
In order to learn about the best practices in promoting a sustainable destination, PROCOLOMBIA and ACOTUR, with the support of SIPPO, carried out a St...
SIPPO Tunisia accompanied CEPEX and GICA, its key partner BSOs in processed food export promotion in Tunisia to SIAL 2022, held in Paris from 15 to 19...
Five SIPPO country teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Morocco, South Africa, Tunisia and Vietnam accompanied Business Support Organizations (BSOs) to...
For the 2nd time, #FENIP participates in the #FAO Congress. FENIP-Director Ms Lamia Znaghi participated as a High level panelist at the #Conxemar_X_CO...
CECOSA’s natural ingredients member companies expressed their appreciation for the excellent preparation by the BSO for their participation at SANA, f...
In implementing its strategy for successful participation at this leading trade fair for the food sector, SIPPO’s BSO partner, the dtic, completed a s...
SIPPO Indonesia is turning a new page in Phase 2 by entering into a new partnership with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (MoC) to increase BSO s...
24 entrepreneurs from the regions of Guaviare, Magdalena, Quindío, Huila, Putumayo and La Guajira participated in the online seminar on Criteria for t...
The 42nd edition of the International Tourism Trade Fair, FITUR 2022, the second most important fair in the world and the first in the Ibero-American...
SIPPO North Macedonia provided support and capacity development to the BSO Invest North Macedonia in organizing a national pavilion at the Pure Origin...
Since the first phase of the programme, the SIPPO team in Vietnam, together with its experts, has sought to work with BSOs in the sector “Value Added...
In the first half of 2022, SIPPO’s country team Peru and the international consultants contributed effectively to the capacity development of BSOs and...
SIPPO Morocco is marking the start of SIPPO Phase 2 (until 2025) with three main activities: Networking with women's cooperatives for regional product...
Biofach 2022, the World’s Leading Fair for Organic Food, was held in Nuremberg (Germany) at the end of July 2022. Among the almost 2300 exhibitors fro...
We need to know more! What are the financing needs for sustainable procurement of SMEs? That's why we're asking you for 15 minutes to answer the SIPPO...
The Swiss Import Promotion Program (SIPPO) in Peru, operated by Swisscontact, has successfully implemented the training process for the Biofach fair t...
The orientation tour of edible oil producers from Tunisia in Switzerland, which was organised by SIPPO Tunisia and two Tunisian BSOs at the beginning...
SIPPO presented itself with a stand at the Swiss Export Day 2022 in Basel. SIPPO promotes the export capabilities of business support organisations (B...
With the support of SIPPO Tunisia, Tunisian BSOs working with producers of Tunisian olive oil developed up a strong market positioning. This resulted...
The SIPPO Import Promotion Forum took place for the fifth time. Seven renowned speakers addressed the very topical issue of how SMEs can build sociall...
SIPPO’s Country Representative in South Africa supported H.E. Ambassador Dr Nicolas Brühl as part of his delegation in his recent official visit to Du...
SIPPO and Trade Switzerland are again organising the traditional SIPPO Import Promotion Forum on Thursday, 2 June 2022 from 4 pm. This year it will on...
This is excellent news from Switzerland! After winning a bronze medal last year, Tunisian olive oil was awarded a first gold medal to Olivko and three...
The Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) of the Swiss Cooperation – SECO in Peru disseminates commercial activities and actively contributes to th...
The Tunisia export center CEPEX, a partner in the SIPPO programme, integrated itself excellently into the cosmetic sector by promoting the flagship pr...
The SIPPO programme has two new leaders: Clément Graf has taken over the role as Head of Programme from Fabienne-Alexia Müller, who is leavi...
CBI can look back on 50 years of successful development cooperation. This time was also partly shaped by the cooperation with SIPPO and IPD, in variou...
The pandemic has demanded a sudden shift to digital contacts at all public trade shows. Some fairs adapted extremely well to the new situation. They a...
The current World Expo in Dubai is dedicated to the three themes "opportunity, mobility and sustainability". Within these themes the World Expo wants...
Business Support Organizations (BSOs) from Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia and Albania were represented at A+A in Düsseldorf. In prep...
Before the pandemic, SIPPO’s BSO partners were alternately present at ANUGA in Cologne and SIAL in Paris with their national pavilions. After t...
SIPPO collaborates with Business Support organisation in 11 countries with the aim to structure forward-looking concepts and projects to increase the...
Last year in October SIPPO launched the Trade Promotion Academy (TPA). Over 400 people have registered so far, and over 130 certificates have been iss...
Together with the Swiss Start-up Fund, SIPPO had a stand at the swiss export day in Frauenfeld. At the trade fair, which was once again held as a face...
On 25 June 2021, SIPPO organized an exchange session on “Sustainable Development” between the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) UK and 5 Vie...
In the event of the Vietnam Furniture Matching week, SIPPO was honor to organize a webinar "Sourcing with Sustainability".
SIPPO expert - Ms. Juliane Lemcke - MSc in Wood Science and Technology had a broadcast on EU new regulations in furniture sourcing.
On 1 April 2021, SIPPO held a brainstorming session on marketing and communication strategy toward sustainability for Vietnamese BSOs.
How can exporters manage to stay connected to global markets despite the massive restrictions caused by the Covid 19 pandemic? What can be done to ens...
The current World Expo in Dubai is dedicated to the three themes "opportunity, mobility and sustainability". Within these themes the World Expo wants...
How can exporters manage to stay connected to global markets despite the massive restrictions caused by the Covid 19 pandemic? What can be done to ens...
Covid-19 has a massive impact on the economy. The pandemic is forcing us to reinvent matchmaking with customers and suppliers. Over the past year, SIP...
For the first time, a Tunisian olive oil has been awarded for its exceptional quality at the International Olive Oil Award in Zurich, Switzerland ZOOA...
As an adaptation to the new conditions due to the Covid crisis, the SIPPO programme continues to support its partners in Tunisia to open up new market...
The limitations of the Corona pandemic mean that international trade fairs are being organised in new ways, and therefore SIPPO supports its partner B...
What does the future hold for established textile fairs and communication in the fashion and textile industry? How are contacts developing in the B2B...
As a continuation of the work to develop a national strategy for the promotion of the dried tomato sector, the Groupement des Industries de Conserves...
Pandemic Covid-19 has changed the way people and organizations manage their business and operational. Digital marketing and virtual export promotion a...
TPA is one of e-knowledge platform which focus on export promotion program. This application is developed by SIPPO and collaborate with two European e...
Promoting the export of Tunisian olive oil on the Swiss market and enhancing the value of local varieties with their specific organoleptic chara...
In alliance with PERUCAMARAS, the Import Promotion Program - SIPPO implemented the training workshops for the Peruvian Regional and Local Chambers of...
The Moroccan participation in the organic trade fair Biofach last year was a great success. This is why SIPPO and Morocco Foodex continued to support...
What we are currently experiencing, how we worked closely with the Textile Trade Association/Textile Cluster and Invest North Macedonia in the second...
On 16 December 2020, the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE) and the Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) jointly organized the Vietnam Expo...
SIPPO and FENIP organized, on November 30, 2020, a videoconference on the challenges of the sustainability of the Moroccan fish sector, for the benefi...
This e-learning platform developed for BSOs by top experts in the field of trade promotion, currently comprises 5 modules on core export promotion top...
Following the global crisis induced by the COVID and the subsequent emergency state around the globe, and due to the cancellation of trade fairs, the...
SIPPO organized a preparatory workshop for the 8th version of ProColombia's Colombia Nature Travel Mart, the most important business meeting in the to...
COVID-19 has been accelerating digital platform in business and training activity/workshop forcibly. Recently, Ministry of Trade (MOT) together with I...
On November 9, the Swiss Import Promotion Program (SIPPO), implemented by Swisscontact, held the Country 2020 Coordination Committee with its strategi...
With the aim of developing the concept of sustainability in the fisheries sector in Tunisia both in line with the national strategy for sustainable an...
As part of the strengthening of the partner BSOs, SIPPO Tunisia has organized an online training on B2B Event Organization Processes.
With the aim of developing the concept of sustainability in the fisheries sector in Tunisia both in line with the national strategy for sustainable an...
The Swiss Import Promotion Program (SIPPO) in support of the strategic allies ADEX (Association of Exporters) and PROMPERU held the closing meeting fo...
This meeting was the last of phase 1 of the program which will end on June 30, 2021. The start of the second phase is scheduled for July 1, 2021 for a...
Exchange and planning forum on sustainable development and promotion of the wood value chain
For Switzerland, cross-border trade flows are vital to its survival. Imports are just as crucial as the export which is mentioned more often. The majo...
Beginning of October, SIPPO launched its brand-new Trade Promotion Academy. This is an exciting e-learning platform that allows to continuously acquir...
PROMPERU supported by the Swiss Import Promotion Program (SIPPO), a program sponsored by the Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), has publis...
SIPPO Morocco with its BSO ASMEX signed a partnership agreement with the Project for the Promotion of the Economy and Local Development (PEDEL) of GIZ...
A market study on three export products of the Philippines (Processed Food, Natural Ingredients and Natural Fiber&Textiles) aims at strengthening...
PROMPERU, one of the main Latin American Export Promotion and Tourism organizations, in its continuous role of promoting Peruvian exports and the Gene...
SIPPO SA partnered with the UNIDO implemented GQSP-SA project to facilitate virtual workshop sessions on 18 & 20 August 2020, for BSO partners, on...
PROMPERU, in alliance with the Swiss Import Promotion Program (SIPPO) in Peru, is conducting a training process for its officials in order to strength...
The Ministry of Trade of the Republic Indonesia (MOT) has successfully conducted a virtual sustainability reporting workshop and a sustainability comp...
What is the profile of the sustainable tourist in the future? And what are post-COVID19-trend in Europe for the sustainable tourist sector? In a Webin...
As part of Women’s Month in South Africa, SIPPO SA, participated in a women-to-women webinar on 11 August 2020 hosted by the BSO, SAEOPA, to celebrate...
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