Check it out: The updated and newly designed TPA module “Market Analysis”
SIPPO regularly adapts its Trade Promotion Academy (TPA) to developments in world trade and export promotion. A number of modules are now being revised. The first module to be launched in a new version in the next few days will be "Market Analysis". Have a look at it right here.

The Trade Promotion Academy (TPA) has been SIPPO's tried and tested e-learning tool since 2020. It is open to anyone who wants to learn more about trade-related topics. In addition, all participants can exchange ideas with their colleagues from all over the world in virtual forums.
Such a training tool has to move with the times and adapt to developments in world trade and changes in export promotion. Therefore, it is time again to update some of the older modules.
Neue contents, new functionalities
The cross-cutting themes of #digitisation and #sustainability are playing an increasingly important role in SIPPO's activities and in export promotion in general; the influence of the COVID pandemic is once again taking more of a back seat. Therefore, data needs to be updated and new important issues need to be addressed. Furthermore, technology has not stood still: the modules are also evolving from a slide-based design to scrollable worksheets.
The first module in this renewal push is the module "Market Analysis", which is one of the most used in the TPA. It will be available in a new form in the next few days. Why don't you try it out via this link!
By the way - all modules in the Trade Promotion Academy are available in English, some also in Spanish and French.