Trade Promotion Academy (TPA) Introduction to Forum Fair Trade Indonesia (FFTI)
TPA is one of e-knowledge platform which focus on export promotion program. This application is developed by SIPPO and collaborate with two European export promotion agencies called Import Promotion Desk (IPD) form Germany; CBI from The Netherlands and International Trade Cooperation (ITC)

In mid of January 2021, SIPPO Indonesia introduced TPA to a community-based group called Forum Fair Trade Indonesia (FFTI). SIPPO provided a brief explanation about functional of TPA including the five modules that have been developed. During the event, there were a lot of responses form participants and most of them asking advice about the tips and suggestion in order to learn independently and successfully accessing and obtaining certificate from SIPPO-ITC. As a result, there were 20 participants registered directly into the TPA and the next day, they got password for login-in to the application for accessing TPA
A week after the event and accessing TPA, FFTI members initiated to have a second meeting with SIPPO Indonesia to discuss their findings and obstacles in accessing the module. After the 2nd meeting, 15 members of FFTI expressed their commitment to accomplished at least one module and some of them are willing to accomplish more than one module. As of 22nd of Feb, there are three participants successfully obtained certificate of completion issued digitally by SIPPO-ITC. 12 more to go for an exciting journey.
Congratulation for those who have gained an export promotion knowledge and digital learning experience from TPA.