SIPPO Peru had successful participation at Biofach 2024
In the recent month of February, the Swiss Import Promotion Programme - SIPPO, took part in Biofach, the world's leading trade fair for organic food, an important business event for the sector, and simultaneously a gathering and positioning opportunity for stakeholders.

Within the framework of the event held in the city of Nuremberg, Germany, SIPPO partnered with PROMPERÚ in organizing a market orientation mission for the Andean grains cluster of Apurímac. Following the fair, the group traveled to Switzerland and France resulting in 30 business contacts. Noteworthy visits include companies such as Migros, Coop, Alnatura (Switzerland), Rewe, Denn’s Bio, Ebl Naturkost, Bio Fachmarkt (Germany), and Dynamis, Bonabio, Naturalia, La vie Claire (France). Additionally, visits were made to facilities such as Migros Distribution Center (Switzerland) and Rungis Market (Paris).
During the mission, a meeting was held with Marko Kraeuchi, Global Program Manager at SECO, where the interest in learning more about the Swiss market was expressed. This program was conducted with the participation of an international expert from SIPPO's staff, the SIPPO Peru team, and Peru's commercial offices in Hamburg and Paris.
Parallel to Biofach, Vivaness took place, an international gathering for the natural cosmetics sector, which allowed promoting the exportable offering of natural cosmetic ingredients in the German market. SIPPO provided support to PROMPERU, who participated with 7 Peruvian companies, in matters of commercial intelligence, certifications, and buyer contacts.