Foreign Trade Regional Chambers receive training in Customer Management by SIPPO Peru
In alliance with PERUCAMARAS, the Import Promotion Program - SIPPO implemented the training workshops for the Peruvian Regional and Local Chambers of Commerce providing them with general concepts and fundamentals for an adequate management of their organization including the basic concepts of the use of customer relationship management systems according to the new trends of digitalization.

The international consultant Mr. Miguel Camacho from Geneva, Switzerland prepared a customized training for the participants, explaining the importance of having a CRM system and strengthening their capabilities through a process of institutional capacity building. The Chambers of Piura, La Libertad, Ica, Cusco, Talara, Province of Santa, Huancayo, Tumbes, Tacna, Apurimac, Ayacucho, Province of Rioja, San Martin- Tarapoto and Ucayali participated.
The training was well attended, with an average of more than 30 participants for each of the three days of training, and was an opportunity to exchange experiences among the chambers of commerce, generate peer learning and search for synergies. The importance of the concept of customer management is highlighted considering that each of the chambers will now have to develop a short analysis of the next steps to follow based on the learning provided. In this way, the participating chambers will be able to internally evaluate how to use the knowledge provided by the SIPPO consultant for the execution of future actions in their regional chambers regarding the best way to establish client management systems according to their needs.
SIPPO has been working with PeruCamaras on capacity building in market intelligence, customer management systems, strategic planning training and foreign trade workshops. This initiative seeks to deepen the concepts of planning and follow-up of customer management results, especially knowing that digitalization processes will be more profound in the coming years.