CCC 2023 – Annual SIPPO BiH Country Meeting
The Annual SIPPO Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Coordination Committee - CCC 2023 meeting was organized in Sarajevo. The CCC meeting provided an excellent opportunity to gather representatives of partner Business Support Organizations (BSOs), including FTC BiH, Trade Chamber of Srpske, the Swiss Embassy, Swisscontact, Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO), and SIPPO Bosnia and Herzegovina in one place.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss achievements from 2023 and plans for 2024. This time, the meeting was organized in a hybrid format.
Lively discussions, new ideas, and knowledge sharing are trademarks of SIPPO BiH CCC meetings. A big thank you to all participants for your active involvement. We look forward to seeing you all again at the SIPPO BiH CCC meeting in 2024.